100 Day Doodle Challenge (and zensome)

drawing of ladybugs and flowers in a journal

Have you ever challenged yourself to do something for yourself 100 days straight? I've been drawing every morning since April 27th, 2023. I call my routine #morningcoffeeandzensome. My goal is 100 days straight. Amazing things happen. I draw mindfully (or listen to a guided meditation) while watching video instructions or from my imagination. Then, the …

Another Thing That Happened When My Mother Died: the Gift of Approval

picture of woman and two children sitting on lawn

My mother's death changed my life, but not just in the statistical manner in which I became another daughter with a dead mother. My mother's death changed my life not just in the ways you might guess or imagine from your own experience, but in ways that are unique to my life. Some of those …

Another Thing that Happens When Your Mother Dies – Number 100-n-somethin’: Crafting with Purpose – Loose Ends Project

Do you remember the blog post series I started on March 23rd, 2018 just a month after my mom died? Things To Expect When Your Mother Dies. I haven't forgotten about it. I am giving it internet airspace again. I keep scrawling in my journal dedicated to this project. There are 100-n-something entries now (five …

Blogger confession to readers: I’ve been cheating on you

Dear Blog Readers, I have a confession to make. I have another blog life. That other blog rarely received adequate attention over the past year, either, so you shouldn't feel jealous. You both were neglected. Until... Something happened last week. A shift in my mind that was as subtle as setting down my manic crochet …