Quotes of Wisdom 32 Courage & Strength #amwriting

“Be like the bird, pausing in his flight
On limb too slight,
Feels it give way, yet sings,
Knowing he has wings.”
~Victor Hugo French poet, novelist, and dramatist of the Romantic movement

Especially in difficult times, remember… you have wings. 

Quote discovered in Sunbeams: A Book of Quotations edited by Sy Safransky – A fantastic collection of quotes from the Sunbeams pages published in The Sun. 

I must thank my mother-in-law for this wonderful book given to me from her huge collection of books.  An insatiable reader like me, her gifts of many books to our family over the years have been endlessly heartwarming, educational, and entertaining. Best mom-in-law ever there was!

 *Quotes of Wisdom – a Friday at 9am (Pacific Time Zone) series offering Wisdom, Feel Good, Inspirational and Thought-provoking Quotes. Sometimes with links and most likely, with too many thoughts of my own included.

As always, thank you for visiting! Feel free to like, comment, share, follow my journey or re-blog as your heart and mind desire. Namaste

Bonnie A. McKeegan 3.3-02.1.jpeg

6 Replies to “Quotes of Wisdom 32 Courage & Strength #amwriting”

    1. You should have rec’d it automatically immediately after confirming email sign up. I’ll go into the program and check to see what has happened. This is new territory for me, so please bare with me as I figure it out. Thanks!

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    2. A question, did you sign up using the drop/slide in box that showed up? Or did you sign up using the fixed Sign up by Email on the right side of the blog post or page? (dealing with two programs)
      I do not see a new email sign up today so I am thinking it didn’t go through for some reason. If you’d like, email me directly and I’ll add your email manually. bonniemckeeganauthor@gmail dot com

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      1. Hi Bonnie, thank you so much for your reply. I will send you my e-mail address. I signed up using my phone, I think it was a fixed sign up by e-mail. Sometimes my connection drops in and out, maybe my mail just didn’t go to you.

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